my name is William Livingstone and I am starting a business to collect eyeglasses from around the USA to help those in need. It is like Lion’s Club but they have let down, so I want to pick up the slack to help needy people get glasses. There are many people who have poor site and need it corrected, but have no insurance or just cannot afford to get glasses. I will be getting people to help me get started in all major cities in every state in the USA. That way I can have them find places to set up the eyeglasses collection boxes. I have to pay for the boxes, the help and the advertising to get the donations. I have some seed money, but it is not yet enough. I still need to raise much more and I cannot get a traditional loan due to going through divorce and unfortunately it really impacted my credit. So I am bootstrapping and trying every way I can to raise the funds to help these people in need. It started as a hobby when I collected old glasses. But then I got other glasses mixed with them when I bought them at garage sales, online and etc. So I saw that I could donate the extra modern glasses to charity. I got so many, and then I saw the big need and Lion’s Club was no longer filling it well. So that is what got me to finally decide to start this charity to help those less fortunate and in need. It is a big problem most people are unaware of, and I would like to change that. So any donation would be greatly appreciated, so I can help get glasses to those in need. Thank you for your assistance,
William – |