Aloha from Hawaii,
I have end stage COPD with perhaps 6 months to a year to live. It might be slightly less or slightly more. I am currently in home hospice care where my family and two nurses’ aides care for me. I believe my COPD was in part caused by exposure to a variety of chemicals while serving in the United States Navy. I also believe that it was exacerbated by VOG (volcanic fog, {sulfur dioxide gas}) inhaled while working on the Big Island of Hawaii over the years. The sulfur dioxide gas combined with the moisture in my lungs to produce sulfuric acid. This sulfuric acid ate into my lungs and caused irreparable damage. Sounds horrid right? It is. Any way that’s my sob story and I’m stuck with it. The question here is why you should, as a total stranger, offer me financial assistance?
- My friend George runs a soup kitchen in Bath, Maine, which I occasionally fund from my Social Security income. He’s been a friend since we served together in the Navy during the late 70s. He is retired from the Navy and disabled as well. George blew his knees out while working as a jet engine mechanic in the Navy. He runs a soup kitchen because he still honors his oath to protect the Constitution and serve the people of The United States of America. George is also a very good cook. His wife also helps at the kitchen. When I pass my small bit of help will stop and he may not be able to replace it in a timely manner, if at all. I would like for you to help fund his soup kitchen for one day a week for one year after my passing. It costs approximately $200.00 to fund Wednesdays meal service for a total of $10,400 for the year. That is the first part of my request to you.
- The second part of my request is less altruistic and slightly selfish I’ll admit. I have another Navy buddy, Mike, that I have not seen in a long time. I would dearly like to see him before I go. I have never met his wife and would like to see what kind of person could put up with that old sea dog. I would wish that George and Mike, with their wives, could have an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii to visit with me in my final days. It would really mean a lot to this old guy. Mahalo and Aloha for even considering this and may you all find love, peace, and happiness in life. P.S. My Hawaiian name is Lanakila.