Hello everyone, I am a man born and raised in a poor country.
I’m from Romania and here I have lived until the age of 20 together with my parents and my other 5 younger brothers and sisters. My parents always tried they’re best to give us everything they didn’t have when they were our age and I really love and appreciate them for that. My dad was the only one working and earning the money in the house being self-employed as a mechanic for chainsaws, lawnmowers, bikes and other tools with small mottors in an open environment where when it was winter your body would freeze if staying too long there. Now after the years every inch of his body hurts cause of that damn work.
My mom has been every day taking care of us. But because of so many births she has problems with the health as well one being appendicitis. And even tho she should rest more and rely on us the kids more she still does so much then should. I’m so afraid that I soon will loose these blessed parents without having done anything for them.
And because of how much have they done for me I also wanted to do something in return for that I went and left them to have 1 less kid to worry about. And I though maybe I could help them by earning some money and save it to send thandas well to help them. Yet I am single and I live in rent faraway from my dear ones living paycheck by paycheck hardly able save anything at all. Fortunately I don’t drink or smoke so I earnmanage to earn something to put away but is very little and it takes too slow and I really need money fast right now to make my first ever present to my parent and buy them a house.
We were living (the reason I say “we were” is because now only they live there) in a house rented by the government not a physical person, and recently the government made a project in the are where that house is, including some other houses around to be demolished and make a new big supermarket. And they are to be moved in new places, most likely some flats but is not entirely decided where they gonna be moved.
I never wanted as madly as right now to earn money for a house as much as now, because I really want to see them living peacefully without worrying to be kicked out and them to be able to see all the kids big enough to get on in they’re life with a smile. It would be a wish come true for them to own they’re own house they could have never afford to buy one.
I would appreciate even a little so I can save to do this surprise for my dear parents.