I’ve written and published on Amazon my novel, “Matadora”, about a young Mexican girl named Joaquina Sanchez and her little brother Lupe who, at the end of WWII, leave their Mexican bull ranch home on an adventure into California. The message of “Matadora” is that anyone, even a couple of penniless Mexican youths, can make their dreams come true of they work hard enough at it.
I spent all the money I could afford getting the manuscript edited, formatted, cover art done, and up on Amazon. Now there’s about $20,000 needed to promote, advertise, and place the book in front of readers. Otherwise, it will just languish on page 1,376 of Amazon’s books for sale. I need help from professional publishers in order to do this because I don’t know the ins and outs of the process.
You can get the book on Amazon Books and read it before helping financially…and that will help too. Write a review and tell everyone you know about “Matadora”…but…if you love my story and what I’m trying to do for young men and women of Latin American heritage, then please help me with the funds to get “Matadora” the exposure the book needs to do any good.
Thank you.
Ron Salvador