Let me start by saying that I hate asking for help. It was put into my head as a child that as a man (who am now in my 30s) I must do things on my own and hold up myself and those around me, so this feels so wrong to just ask people for help. Over these last few years it had been rough losing friends and family due to covid, but this last one about a year ago now really took a lot. So my best friend and I had been living together for years now, (he and I are practically brothers the way are families are with each of us) and well his father was taken by Leukemia last year. We were living up state trying to make it in a bigger city than what we have ever had growing up, and we were doing okay during that time. Now my best friend he is clinically proven to be bipolar and well when depression would hit, he would attempt suicide. He was trying his best on ways to get his fathers body brought back to their hometown and buried, his family promised to help but they only came as vultures trying to see what they could take off of their now recently deceased relative. So he had to do it all alone being the only child, and it placed himself in about $30K in debt for all his fathers services. I quit my job to be on suicide watch and to try and sustain us and move us to his fathers home he now inherited. Now this home had been falling apart and we didn’t know, so when it rains outside it pours inside. We have put tarp on the roof just to cover it up a bit and stop the rain going into the holes above our rooms. As time went on over the year we tried to get jobs, he finally got his footing a bit but had been falling behind. I was looking for jobs too but it was only getting odd jobs and they wouldn’t last. I finally got myself into a job here close by home about 4 months ago, but now I’m in $25K of debt just trying to stay afloat. I’ve been trying my best to handle it but I’m falling further and further behind. I keep getting calls from them trying to collect but I have nothing to give and my bank is literally in the negatives as I write this. The realization has kicked in that I need help so now I’m here begging random strangers for help before I start to lose my car, to please send anything if you can. If I could even just get $10K I believe I’d be able to get back on my feet and pay off the rest solo. I’ve been trying to find a second job too, I’m just so tired…. one hit after the next I just need a break. So again please anything helps and thank you.