I used to work for ups. Was told by many that its a great job. Unfortunately it ended being one of the worst work experiences I hope to never come across again. Spent over 10 years working for them and have only a damaged body and mental scarring that will never go away. They helped me get a house with the good money, but in the end they helped me lose it. Started my downfall with getting injured on the job and having my then supervisor tell the manages at the time that I did it at home. The bad part is the doctor they made me go to had me believing that me being injured was in my head and not real. Worked for over a year on a torn shoulder doing irreparable harm. Finally I had enough and went in for an MRI to find out my shoulder was almost completely torn and that was why I couldn’t use it anymore. The UPS paid for doctor after getting the results cleared me for work after reading me the results. I took it upon myself to see a real specialist, who then told me I needed surgery and soon before I lost use of my shoulder completely. Fought for 4 years to get it under workers compensation finally won but at a huge cost. I had to pay my lawyers full fees and most of my medical out of pocket and lost a whole year plus of wages. Finally started to get back on track even though I struggled to do my job and had my appendix rupture which set me back again. After struggling and not getting any help with my new disability I finally had to take a lower paying job working inside instead of a driver. After 6 months of doing that we had a building fire. The results of after the fore caused me to get sick from the company not cleaning the build of the harmful chemicals released from the burned building. I stopped working and had to file an osha claim, but they refused to send someone out. Came back to work a month later and furthered my sickening body. After 7 months of dealing with that I passed out during work, due to coming in contact with a broken open spray bottle that was caustic to me. Supervisor would not call an ambulance after I passed out and had trouble breathing, finally came to and got me on a chair. Then bam! Passed out again while waiting to get my wife to come tack me to ER. Finally someone called an ambulance after telling me it was all on me to pay for it even though it happened at work. I was really out of it at the time and feel like I was not treated right by my supervisor who strongly did not like me and at the time wanted me gone from my job. Finally my doctor the next day told me I needed to find another job that was not a danger to my health and gave me his professional recommendation to quit before I ides from the toxic work environment.
Hard to ask anyone of this but me and my family could really use some help getting me back on my feet. Had to sell my house at a loss to get out of ups and it still wasn’t enough. Having to start over and its been difficult trying to keep up with bills especially the medical that I couldn’t get covered. Thank you for those that read my story even if you can’t or don’t donate to my cause it felt good saying all of this and getting it off my chest. Been a really rough few years trying to provide for my family, when I have been failed hard by my ex employers and union.