Hello, my name is Carmellia Cowan, and I am asking for your help to further my business in completing my building dream project. I started this venture due to my rent being raised after 5 years of paying my bill on time, including paying my rent up for several months to have to leave due to my rent being raised. I was mad and very sad to leave but I needed to move because I just couldn’t afford the higher rent in the middle of a pandemic. So, I put a plan in place and started looking for potential builders and came across Mr. Guzman. He drew the building plan and came back days later to show me the layout. It was beautiful and I was so, so happy. The total price would cost me 38,000 dollars to complete. I told him that I had 12,000 up front to start, and the rest was coming from my business partner. I sign the contract and my business partner was on the phone listening because he was out of town at the time, so we received a video signature from him. I signed his name with his permission in front of the builders. Two days later the crew came and started working on the ground floor. From concrete to building material we were, on the way to my new building project. Frame went up next and then the roof. Found out that my business partner didn’t come through, so I am in need of the rest of the money to finish. I am in the whole of 26,000 for completion, so I can continue to do what I love creating beautiful garments, glasses, baskets, Rose Bears, Sublimation and a variety of other products. I normally don’t ask for help. I have got into so much debt trying to finish this building project. It is near completion, but I still need the gravel to go around the entire building, the ceiling need painting as well as the lining, the building need painting as well and the trim has to be completely done. I need purchased a wall unit, but I still need two more units to completely cool in the summer and heat in the winter. I have spent my last dime and I am in need of inventory that I can’t purchase due to me trying to finish this project on my own. Lord, If anyone can help me finishing this project by donating a little here and there, I can move forward and get my business on the road. I have some to start with but in order to move forward I need to finish this project. I am in need of 26,000 to finish this project and to buy supplies and keep my website up and running. My websites fees are 623 dollars for 3 years and I will have to cancel my subscription on the 18th of July due to my money situation because this building and what my partner did to me cause a major strain on my finances. To be put in this situation trusting someone you have known for years, turn their back on you, completely put you in debt and also possibly be sued for a sign contract had me completely stressed out. My Lupus flared up so bad I couldn’t walk for days. I started working on the building and put the paneling up using my head going up and down the latter, placing the insulation in the wall frames, digging a slope to keep the water from coming in the building, and painting the floors to sunup to night. I wasn’t giving up because this was my dream not to pay anymore rent. Thank you for your time to write this for you and may God bless each one of you that have blessed others in any form. If anyone out there that’s willing to help me with finishing up my dream project, you can use my paypal.me/Carmelliacowan. Thank you.