Robby Fisher is a young man who faces the daily challenges of Cerebral Palsy. He lives his life in a wheelchair and has to use an iPad to speak. He has the same passion and desire for Scouting as his Eagle Scout brother and has a goal of earning the Eagle Scout rank himself. Robby loves to camp, fish and just be in the outdoors. His Scout Camp installed a camp sight with concrete sidewalks leading from an area of accessible tents to an accessible shower house but, where the sidewalk ends, so does the summer camp experience. He spent his first year at camp with missing his merit badge sessions because his chair would get stuck in gravel while trying to get wherever he was trying to go.
Following that disastrous first year at camp, I found out about track chairs or wheelchairs with tracks instead of wheels. I spent an entire year searching for a track chair that we could rent but found nothing. I then discovered an organization that allowed us to borrow one however, it was not close to where we live and it was very wide for his body size and the joystick was mounted on the wrong side of the chair. Even with all of that, we managed by stuffing pillows around him and my husband walked alongside him to drive it for him. He was able to get 7 merit badges that week and actually got to go to the lake where most of the activities are that he couldn’t do the year before.
Robby’s troop does weekend campout and hikes throughout the year that he would also like to attend but can’t because his wheelchair will not allow him to.
It is time for Robby to have his own trackchair so that he can participate in camps and hikes throughout the year. We have half of the funding we need and now need to raise the rest. Please help us make this possible for Robby.