Hi everyone!
I am a 25 year old woman and I have been married to my wonderful husband for about two years. Ever since before we got married we’ve been trying to afford a home, but every time we think we get close, an emergency happens and we have to drain our savings, or the market skyrockets again. We’ve been living in the same apartment building for a few years now, and the rent has recently gone up and we are struggling to save any money. When it comes to rent, power, gas, car payments, groceries, and feeding our cat and dog, it’s been exhausting trying to keep up with everything. We both have full time jobs, and we’ve both been trying to move up in our respective jobs and companies for years now, but it’s like our hourly wage just cannot keep up with inflation. It feels most days like we’re barely able to keep our head above water.
We pay around 1500$ for our rent monthly where we are, so if we could get a home, we’d be able to afford it. Our credit is good as well. The saving up a down payment is where we’re screwed every time. Ever since I was young I’d dream of my future home where I’d live with my husband and start a family, and that life seems so close but just out of my grasp. Many of my days and nights are spent worrying and stressing about never being able to have a home of our own, with a yard for our dog and where we could start a family.
I always thought I’d be a mother with a home by this age, and turning 25 this year and not having those has been a hard thing to come to terms with. We’re trying so hard to make this life a reality for us, but with how expensive everything is I’m worried that it will never happen.
I’m not sure what I expect to come out of posting here, but if even one person reads this and thinks they can help with any amount, I wouldn’t even know how to properly express my thanks. I’ve never been good at asking for help or accepting money from people, but everyone eventually has to come to terms with accepting help. So, here I am. If you’ve read this whole thing, even if you aren’t able to donate, thank you at least for hearing me.