As I write this request, I reflect on the decisions and missteps that got me to this lowly place, the lowest of my life, of being broke at middle age with little hope of turning it around. As much as I would like to lay out details of a horrific accident, life altering health issue or a tragic life event, the truth is that there is no one to blame but myself. The situation I’m in is 100% my fault and I’m asking for the kindhearted and generous philanthropists here to truly hear me, to put yourself in my shoes and feel the despair, hopelessness, frustration & heavy burden of not being able to pay your bills or help those around you. I’m hoping that some of you will reflect on your own lives and find some common thread to mine. I’ve made stupid mistakes. But we make mistakes. We make horrible mistakes. Should we have to pay for them for the rest of our lives? Even when they are made out of your love and care for others? I pray. I pray every day that God will hear me and bring me out of this. I pray every day that somehow, someway, I will be able to make all things right in my life, to a point that I will be able to help others in this world that are in need. I feel best when I’m helping others, but I’m unable to do that due to me not being able to even take care of my own problems now. I ask that you believe in me and give me the help I desperately need to get through this extremely difficult time. In trying to help others that are close to me, I somehow lost my sense of self-worth. I feel worthless if I am not able to help someone financially when they need it. All I’ve done for the last 4 years is give my money away to my kids, my girlfriend and others that have needed it. Now I’m in the horrible position of having to say no to them, and even worse, not being able to pay back the money I have borrowed to help them. I do not have any assets left. I rent my apartment. I don’t have a car of my own. No savings. I’m asking for $300,000 to pay off all of my debt and get me back on a path to a self-supporting life. Big picture is, I want to be in your shoes. I feel that my purpose here is to give to others. Please help me so that I can help others.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my request.