To the ANGEL reading my post:
Blessings to you for taking the time to read my post. I know it’s long, but I promise when you begin reading, you’ll want to read to the end!!!
In 2000, I moved from my hometown of Monroe, LA to Irving, TX working in the mortgage banking industry (customer service research). After working my hardest and giving 1,000% to be the department’s next co-editor, the position was given to an external hire who (management advised) possessed a “very strong writer’s background”. After weeks of given the task of training the external hire, I learned from him that his background was solely in auto financing! I felt so humiliated. Although I loved writing to help people understand their mortgages, I decided to give my gift of helping others to people who could appreciate it….CHILDREN!!!
In 2002, I became employed as an educator with the Fort Worth ISD. I was hired to teach in the Stop Six pyramid which is one of the lowest socioeconomic areas of Fort Worth. It was rough, but I enjoyed every minute of making a difference in the lives of children who have no control of the environment to which they are born.
In 2019 (after 17 years of service and right before the pandemic), I decided to make a career change. I was offered a position as an assistant manager with the very likelihood of becoming a manager and more within a promising and profitable company in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. After executives spoke with both my husband and me, we agreed to accept the offer which reduced my salary by 55%. However, with our budget plan and the company’s timeline for my growth, everything would balance out.
As assistant manager, I really enjoyed establishing relationships with the customers, new employees, and just bringing happiness to my job daily! The company was definitely growing as the execs forecasted, but my likelihood of climbing the corporate ladder was diminished by an envious coworker who tried paint me as an incompetent employee. After seeing myself getting passed around and picked over, I decided to end my tenure with the company.
After reflecting how much educating and training I was giving to the employees at that company, I discovered that education was where I truly needed to be. So, in June 2022, I was extended the opportunity to work as an educator at an elementary school located in Lancaster, TX. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and realize that educating the minds of children and restoring their love of education (post the pandemic) is my purpose! ❤️
With all that I’ve experienced with my career, it has placed me in a financial bind. Although I teach, I also work as a delivery driver for DoorDash, Uber, and Instacart. I’m trying my best to contribute to our financial obligations, but it’s still a struggle. I know that you may give millions globally to various charities. However, I am asking for your charitable assistance toward me. My prayer has been for us to get caught up on a vast amount of our bills and debts, so that we can be current. Once we are current, I can just work as a teacher without having to take every weekend to either DoorDash or Uber. I’m asking for a charitable gift of $15,000. If you need receipts for all the money used, I will definitely send it to you.
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to read my entire message. I am grateful for any amount you are willing to bless me with at this time.
PayPal Link:
With Every Good Wish,