Help me please! Hello, my name is Shirley & im a 51 year old female & i am all alone. My electric & water has been shut off, my truck payment is over due, i have very little food, & even less hope. I dont know what to do or where to turn! I have lost everyone that i love or rather everyone that loved me & i have fallen into depression. Its so bad, i know what needs to be done & what i should do but most days it takes everything i have just to get out of bed!
I have a job now barely, but it does not pay very well & going to work each day takes everything out of me. All i really wanna do is sleep till i die. I have lost interest in everything. I dont go anywhere, i dont see anyone, & i really don’t even care. But i want to! I wanna care & i want to live again & be happy. I am stuck & every day that passes i feel like i moving closer & closet to just giving up!
I feel like i will never be able to stand on my own 2 feet again. I cant get anywhere in life. What little money i do make goes for gas & food with very very little left for anything else. When you live with no electricric & no water & you are alone life if extremely hard.
My world started crumbing in 2017 when i lost my mother & it has went down hill ever since. In the last 6 years i have lost almost all of my family, quiet a few friends & several of my canine companions. I lost my vehicle twice & lost 2 very good jobs from covid. My boyfriend walked out on me for no apparent reason other that he was & is a narcissist.
Like i said the thing that is missing the most from my lufe is hope. I have no hopd of a better future, no hope of getting my bills paid, no hope of love & the only hope i have for tomorrow is maybe i wont wake in the morning to live another day in hell. Hell i dont even hold any hope that writing my story will do anything to help me either but figure why not. Maybe someone will have compassion, empathy or even pity.
I have always stood on my own & have always been then strong one in my family, but now there is nothing. I am alone in this world & no one will help me with anything. I dont know how i got to this point in my life, but its seems like God & the world hate me. No matter what i try to do thing just keep getting worse! Now i find out that one of my best friends shot & killed himself. I understand & its scary but im almost there too.
Im not asking to get rich or anything but i would like to have my electric turned back on & my water. I would like not to have to hide my truck so they wont take it & did i mention me house is rat infested & falleling down around me? I need to move but i have no where to go & no money to go even if i did.
I know that life is tough all over right now & i really dont expect anyone to help me. After all im positive there are people more in need than me & for better reasons. But im asking anyway. Anything will help me! Please help me. I dont know what else to say, but if you find it in your heart to help i promise with God as my witness that i will use it just like i said i would. I will give updates & the minute i can stand again i will pay it forward! Thank for just reading my story! cash app- texasquirl