Hello. I need your help, I am a senior, 79 yrs old. I am a widow. I live in New York City. I am in deep debt. I owe over $30,000 in credit card bills. I have no family or friends who can help or who are willing to help me. I have health issues, including diabetes, osteoarthritis and a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder. I am very depressed and I feel hopeless. I have no appetite to eat anything. I cannot sleep at night. I cry on my pillow worrying about my bills. Every day I cry and I am distraught because I feel like I can never get out of this predicament that I’m in. I am a retiree and I worked all my life for thirty five years for the state of New York. The reason that my bills got so out of hand is because over the years I was paying only the minimum. I need help to clear this debt from my life so i can be free and live the rest of the years that i have left without worry and fear.
paypal.me/Dgonzalez44 [Read more…]