So, I don’t know how to say this. I’ve been desperate for financial help now for months regarding this issue and I’m turning here for one more attempt.
My fiance Holli (the one on the left) is in federal prison on charges that were trumped up and wrongfully pressed against her. I met her while I was incarcerated with her. Now I am free and trying to get her free and with me. I miss her everyday and it hurts knowing the circumstances around her case and the fact that she’s still in there for something that withheld evidence can clear her of.
In 2011 my fiance tried to turn in a man who was abusing her daughter and as a result of the police not doing anything to help and in fact ENTRAPPING her to do something she was completely uncomfortable with, she was caught up in the charges.
For a first offense, testifying against him for the prosecution, and helping the police catch him, she was given the statutory MAXIMUM of her charge IN A PLEA AGREEMENT! This outrageous disregard for justice has already robbed her of over 12 years of her life. She received a 30 year sentence for trying to protect her daughter. Federal prison you only get 54 days off a year, so if I can’t help free her she’s looking at another 14-15 years wrongfully in prison.
All I want is the money to hire a federal attorney to free her and bring her home. I’m not sure how much exactly would be needed but federal attorneys cost $500 an hour minimum. I’m hoping that $50,000 would be enough. Please help me do this. I don’t know what else to do but to literally beg for help. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any contribution that is made. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
My is: