Hi ,
My name is Rose , I am in Toronto live alone with my cat. I had a horrible childhood due to my narcissistic mother, in her eyes I was & am always the most stupid ,useless and ugly person on earth. I managed to run 11000 kilometers away from her. I had to go through years of therapy to clean my mind and heart from poison that she cultivate purposely in my life. I had hemongioma in my female part,I did surgery 2007 here in Toronto after 2years non- stop bleeding( my family doctor told me that I am having monopose.)!!!!! At that time they told me there is shadòw in my liver about 2 cm. That shadow is grown since then and is about more than 11cm , due to last ultra sound . I need liver transplant and I am going through huge pain, even dough my surgeon Dr. Steven Gallenger says hemangioma should not cause a pain, still I have pain. Last six years I am on specific diet to keep my body temperature as low as possible( my own invention). Here in Toronto I have to wait 3 years o get transplant, even dough I get it , because I am not covid 19 vaccinated, I am not going to get. Right now there is case in Alberta , a lady can not get transplant due to no- vac. She wants to go to US. Another issue here is lots of rumors regarding where they get the body parts, which is not pleasant. If you signed up as organ donors, and have accident, if there is chance to save you 5% , they won’t because you are organ donor. I talk to Turkish hpospitals
( turkishmedicalcenter) to guy name Burak Ekram, they ask volunteers to come forward and try to find match,and they take only half a liver. That way suits my mental state very well, because I can not live with the guilt of somebody is chopped in pieces because of me. The Turkish hospital does not care if you are vaccinated or not, because they think that is personal choice. Second issue I have is due to gum disease ,I lost all my teeth. I am on disability program and my dental insurance paid me to get low quality denture, problem is I can not keep denture in my mouth, one small bite makes them jump out. I need to have as bridge or implant, may be 40,000 or 50,000 CAD. I receive 706 per month and right away 420 goes to my debt, heritage from my ex-life. Even dough I have to have organic foods , I can only buy expired food due to choose between my cat and myself. She comes always first. 2017 to 2021
I lived in shelter and I got subsidized housing . From the day I moved in , I said them that this unit has humidity. Housing did not accept, I have to turn fan on all the times , winter / summer the window must be open winter /summer . After almost 3 years my mattress soaks in water , 3 months ago I got couch and now is wet too. There is mold on my clothings and shoes . In winter I have to sleep with boots, shawl and winter coat. Shaking same time from cold and getting sweaty from humidity. Since I moved to Canada, year by year I developped asthma all kind of allergies and arthritis. The weather is killing me, I am chocked. I need to move out of Canada and start my life over . I cough , my cat coughs from mold. I need to move to descent place to have a piece of mind and sort out my problems and leave Canada for ever. I don’t know why I keep getting the narcissistic people in my life, any way I have lots of debts due to my ex, I owe government , MasterCard and other misillionous to some people and some financial institutions. I move out of Canada , I can not have assistance from gov. so I decided to invest in Elon Musk’s project to have a decent life. After paying my debts & my surgery and fixing my teeth. Despite what she believes , I am very smart person , my IQ is high , I am very kind and always helped others as much as I could. I feed stray animals . I speak 6 languages and I am talented in some ways. In my life as much as lend my hand to other people to help them, it was no body to help me out , I just need one hint to go on track , I need somebody to come forward a and says ” Rose is your turn , come grab my hand and let me hold it and help you to enjoy your life once, you never had a child hood , youth hood , you never enjoyed your life, you suffered so much , but you never lost your faith in Mighty God and Jesus, despite your financial needs , you never did wrong things or went wrong paths, even you had no shelter , no food , no clothings never crossed your mind to go other way than God way, come today is your turn .”