I am a 57-year-old woman who has lived a life of torment.
Don’t want to bother you with my past experiences but I will say this. I’m learning to overcome all of the horrible things that have made my life what it is today.
I find myself stuck in a situation that I can’t get out of but know that I deserve so much better. I have a kind heart of giving soul and the love for people and the planet.
I’ve never been so serious in my life when I say I need out of the situation I am in and a chance to broaden my horizons and bring my ideas to the table of someone who will listen and help me to pull it together.
My current status is a caretaker for someone who takes full advantage of me and pays me next to nothing so I am not able to save any money or put any money aside for my future not only that but I can’t even pay my taxes in order to secure my social security.
I am not okay with any of this.
I have a great business idea one that will help local businesses to thrive one that will keep family in order and together, one that will keep marriages together.
I believe in love, I believe in happiness, I believe in the sanctity of marriage, I believe that this world has gone in the wrong direction and we need to fight to bring it back to the way it should be.
I am broke and broken and have no clue how to get out of my current situation. And as I said before I have a business idea that I think will truly work. It may not make millions or maybe it will. All I can do is try but I need financial support to get me out of here to somewhere where I can breathe and think and pull this together.
Your thoughts or possibly assistance in this matter will all be greatly appreciated and I will do my best to pay you back as soon as I can. Thank you all for reading this and have a wonderful day.