Hello everyone who reads my story.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my story.
I tend to be long-winded but I’ll try to get straight to the point.
I made the mistake of getting credit cards when I wasn’t ready and didn’t know much about money. When I got my job in Korea I started making more money than I ever had in my life. It got to my head. Society also got to my head and I felt the need to compare myself with others and try to have the same expensive things they had to fit in. I also wanted to help my family and so I spent a ton of money.
I thought I could handle it because I was making money but it just got worse and worse and mentally I became unwell. Shopping became an addiction and a bad habit to deal with daily stress. I am not proud of these times in my life. In fact, I am so embarrassed even writing this because now I can see where I went wrong.
Nowadays, I go to therapy every week but I am still drowning in debt.
I am working on getting my Masters degree in TOSEL and I am wanting to start an online business creating materials for teachers and students and providing online classes. I also want to do charity work in Korea as well and in the states. In fact, all over the world if I can.
I am a teacher so I don’t make much money but I really want to turn my life around and live well so I can teach and help others so they can in turn do the same thing.
I am currently $20,000 dollars in debt and in fact my credit card company has sued me but luckily I have worked out a payment plan but I’m really drowning. As I don’t believe anything comes free in life I can promise that whatever I may receive from here I will give back in good work and deeds and hopefully financially someday too. This money would help me get out of my debt and would also go toward starting up my online business which altogether with fees and website management and buying licenses for clipart and fonts (for educational worksheets and materials I want to sell) it’s about $500 altogether.
So, altogether I am humbly asking for $20,500. I know this is so much money… even the thought alone is quite humbling.
But I can guarantee anything I get from here I will pay it forward.
Thank you for reading my story.
The photos I am attaching are from messages from my mom who is still in the states. I live in Korea so this is how I get my mail. I blacked out personal information.
Also it only lets me post one photo… but I have 3 different accounts… so this is my highest single debt.