I’ve lived my life so far with my heart on my sleeve, helping anyone that needed it and some that didn’t but I did it anyways. Let’s see if karma will be on my side. I’ve found myself hitting rock bottom, I have always worked hard but made bad financial decisions, namely gambling. On 2022 Christmas day I met a wonderful woman and everything looked like finally I was on my way to a better life. I quit gambling and was doing really good. Everything was looking like 2023 was going to be my best year. Then disaster, I went off the road into the snow bank on my way home from a friend and I had alcohol in my system, I wasn’t drunk, just enough to blow a fail when the officer that just happened to be going by 10 minutes after I went in the ditch did the breathalyzer test on me. This happened Feb 23, so I lost my license for 90 days and my truck is on the impound. ThisĀ might sound no that bad but in my case it is. My work requires me to drive to remote locations and I lost it. I have no income. I’ve applied to several companies that provide fly in fly out employment so I’m confident I will get a job but I need help in the meantime. I’ve payed the fine and the plan ahead online course that I need to get the ignition interlock (blow box) but I have run out of money and I need to get the truck out of the impound or the fees are gonna be astronomical. I’ve got no one I can ask so I’m here. I’ve got food for about two months and rent is covered as well fur that time and if I don’t get a job by then I really don’t know what I’m gonna do.
If any of you could help…