My name is Andele Lazarus, a 28 years old from Namibia. I have a son. I come from a large low class family.
I have a mortgage that’s deducting almost N$3000 every month, a family to take care of, transport money to work, siblings transport interviews to pay, and my sister’s tuition fees that I paid for last year and now her course is on hold because I’m unable to pay anymore.
My payslip is full of loans because being the only breadwinner in a large low income family is hard, food isn’t enough and all the household needs plus my parents who are all old age.
Everyday after work I have to lock myself in the room and search all over Google and social medi to see if I can find away to get myself out of this mess.
Believe it or not I tried joining sex work sites though I end up getting out because I don’t understand how they work.
I’m pleading with everyone to please help donate funds for me because I’m deep in debts and as I speak I don’t concentrate at work anymore, I don’t feel like eating, cooking or even taking care of my son. I’m depressed. I don’t want to socialize anymore because I’m disturbed.
Any contribution no matter how little it may seem will make a difference. Help save me from falling into deep uncontrollable depression.
I will be forever grateful.
Andele Lazarus
My PayPal: