Hi, My name is Justin Brown and I am from macks Creek mo. I’m 41 and still struggling with everyday life,it hasn’t been easy every since the passing of my grandfather. It really broke the family up and everything that was promised to me since I was a little kid,well it got taken.. this is how, my grandma. She realized they were married so with that said all that stuff that me and grandpa always talked about and set in place for when he did pass but I never would have imagined it would have been so soon..my grandpa was a great man in all walks of life. To be honest he was a very kind,loving and honest man,also can’t forget smartest I have ever met. Scotty green thought me everything I know about street smarts and book smarts. He was struck with colon cancer and passed,he was 67. Like I was saying grandma didn’t play by the rules meaning everything I was raised to do was taken from me. She told me after the funeral that she was married to Scotty so all was hers.😭…So she had the farm logged,didn’t put the money back into the farm. We had close to 200 head of cattle now we have 7 . Don’t get me wrong or take this the wrong way I love my grandma very much,I just didn’t fill that what she did was rite for the simple fact I would go and set with grandpa every night and we would talk about this stuff. I would say to him should we write this stuff down and he would raise up and look at Granny and say no she wouldn’t do that to you. Granny would shake her head and say nope,so she knew but anyway I made a promise to my grandpa that I would do everything I can to take care of the farm and well that’s not going to well. She has spent the long money and now has dementia. So it is out of her hands and the farm has really went south but don’t forget about that promise. With that said I hope that gives who ever if anyone an idea of where I’m coming from when I ask for help from the people out there who read this..I really want to make the farm what it once was again and show my uncles that plan on selling when Granny passes that it can be something wonderfully again not to mention my kids,kids. I think with help from who ever wants to help big or small I can keep that promise and the farm will be great again with these things. I need money to fix tractors, help build fence and repair barn, equipment to clear the feild so i can buy back cattle and start where he left off. I know it sounds like a lot because it is but I could even repay the money overtime. To even start it would take me 10to15 thousand dollars to get it back in shape for cows so please if this story catches anybody attention please help I will forever be in your debt….
Thank you and God bless
the cash app tag is ($plainma) thanks