Hello, My name is Arlene and my husband Angel who is 51 years old has been a hardworking guy since the age of 16. We are asking for a helping hand in paying our bills. Angel works as a boom truck operator, but has not been working since he suffered a stroke on July 7th 2023, which affected the right side of his body. He was hospitalized for two weeks due to the stroke. During his hospital stay the CT scan showed a mass in his lung, that was determined to be lung cancer. On September 18, 2023 Angel had Lung surgery, which they removed 40% of his left lung. Two days after his surgery the doctors had removed the chest tube and thought he was good to go home, a couple of hours after taken the chest tube out his oxygen levels dropped and his lung collapsed. So they had to re-insert the chest tube back in and put him on oxygen. The chest tube was taken out the next day and he was discharged from the hospital. Angel was having lots of pains in his chest area and coughing uncontrollably, the doctors said it was due to the surgery and it was expected. Two weeks after the surgery, Angel had a follow up visit with his doctor and had a Xray done. The Xray showed that he had some space between his lung and chest wall and the doctor wanted to do another Xray the following week just to see if there was still some spacing. All the while Angel was experiencing lots of pains in his lung and chest area and continued to cough. We went back to the doctor the following week and the Xray showed that the spacing got larger. The doctor told Angel to come back the next day to do another Xray, but that night he started having trouble breathing so we ended up go to the emergency room. Turns out that Angel’s lung collapsed again and had to get the chest tube put back in and is still currently in the hospital.
We live paycheck to paycheck and always managed to get by, but since Angel has been out of work and Disability is only giving him $150 a week, we are struggling to keep up with the bills. He has been using his credit cards to pay what he can with them and now they are all maxed out. He is now backed up on his car note, loan and credit card payments.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.