I’m a 51 yr old employed grandmother of three, whose youngest is 14 years old and who works three days out of the week. My daughter has three children, my granddaughters, and is looking for work. She is in a great, in-demand field as a care taker, however, her biggest hurdle is securing daycare for our one-year old and four-year old so she is able to work. In the meantime, with her funds extremely low, four mouths to feed, and other costs, she ‘heavily’ relies on me to assist with different items especially from the middle to the end of the month. I have my bills and am trying to stay in my home of course, however, I can’t deny any requests because they affect my grand babies.
All the stress of these issues has really taken a toll on my health to the point I fell asleep behind the wheel a few weeks ago and totaled a van gifted to us by my mother in law. I’m still recovering physically and mentally, but my days and weeks are now filled with doctor appointments, taking medications, and blood pressure checks.
Any amount donated to help me assist my girls over the next few months as my daughter continues to look for work and daycare vouchers are secured would be a tremendous blessing and a burden lifted from my shoulders.
Thank you for your time and any consideration.
Paypal: https://paypal.me/scrawford111?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US