I forgot to put PayPal at end of my message so have to rewrite my message. I am 68 years of age. I brought up my 2 daughters as a single parent after leaving their father. I have been self employed for 25 years. I have my own cleaning and work by myself. I have always worked 6 to 7 days a week. Morning, noon and night. Many of my clients have been with me from the beginning, however the winters get harder each year, living in a resort area. I never had enough money to move to an area with more opportunities, so I settled for doing my best to provide my 2 girls with the best quality of life under the circumstances. Once the girls were of age I did provide them each with a car so they could work and get around on their own. The employment around here is primarily low wage and often one has to have 2 if not 3 jobs. The girls eventually started their own families. During the pandemic, we all struggled with loss of work and certainly no daycare. 5 grandchildren in total at the time. My younger daughter was also a part of the opioid crisis. This had quite an impact on providing for her children. The father’s contribution minimal at best. I helped the best I could to sustain a quality of life for the children. My daughter and her children were evicted from several apartments. Unbelievable. As my work picked back up I did sign for an apartment for them. I couldn’t have the kids homeless. My daughter’s credit wouldn’t let her in the front door. Unfortunately they stopped paying rent. I couldn’t afford my rent and theirs. They were evicted and 6024.00 is now on my credit. In addition my daughter’s drug usage continued to escalate.Drug programs useless. Methadone just maintains addiction. She is now a full time fentanyl addict. Her children are with their paternal Aunt. I had to let my daughter go. 5 months ago I had to let the credit cards go. I could no longer maintain the minimum payments and had to stop paying altogether. Of course my credit rating took a major nose dive. The eviction made things worse. I don’t qualify for a debt consolidation loan and can’t afford their monthly payments. I have always paid my way, but at 68 years of age there is no way I can pay off 49,000.00 worth of debt. My lease is up in 18 months. I won’t be able to move forward with this debt and credit. I have no retirement and frankly as I said before, no way I can earn my way out of this debt. I am hoping for a miracle. I would be forever grateful for whatever help I can get. Respectfully submitted. Thank you for your consideration.