I am a 100% permanently disabled veteran and I am in need of financial assistance.
Mistake #1
I purchased a home in Iowa to be geogtaphically closer to my brother. I choose Iowa because as a 100% disabled veteran I am not required to pay property taxes. However, property assessments are setup and the timing of my purchase require me to pay property taxes until the fall of 2024 which is close to $250 per month. That would have been my grocery money.
Mistake #2
I was told by Veterans United that I would be getting a surplus of money at closing at about $3.500. They instead used $2,440 to buy down a point against my wishes. I intended to use this money to move my belongings from Las Vegas to Iowa.
Mistake #3
This one is not so much my fault. My landlord raised my rent in September with a 60 day notice by 36%. I was planning to move out by June of 2023. This caused me difficulty for me to move. My physical disabilities make it difficult and painful to move anything. I was unprepared and unorganized for this move. I am not good a packing my belongs and I am sure that the packing materials take up 50% or more of my storage space.
My dad passed away last May and my best and last remaining friend passed away a month later. Neither my dad nor my best friend could help me move, but it just added to my situation.
About 90% of my belongs are still in Nevada. I am not good at packing my belongs and I am sure that the packing materials take up 50% or more of my storage space. Right now my storage costs are $805 per month. The mortgage, the shortage at closing, the cost of storage and not expecting to pay property taxes has made life difficult. I am 10% over the limit of my $8,000 credit card and I do not have money to pay all of my bills or move my belongs out of storage. I damaged the suspension of my 2002 Chevy Tahoe towing a trailer to Iowa. It makes noise in the right front and it leans to the right in the rear. I believe it may be a ball joint in the front and a broken coil spring in the rear. My tools are in Nevada or I could get my brother to do the labor as I instruct him. I have some mechanical knowledge. I don’t have the money for parts and I don’t have the money to pay someone to repair it.
Once my belongs are here, I won’t have to pay storage anymore and I could make it financially. Moving costs are insane. A Penske truck as of yesterday is $15,000 plus fuel and maybe mileage. U-haul truck and trailer is $7,000 plus mileage and fuel. Travel food and lodging adds to this cost. I would need to have $10,000 before I would attempt one trip. One trip with truck and trailer would reduce my storage costs to $571 per month. I will be able to sell some of these belongs and be able to get my head above water. My belongs are stuff you might find at a yard sale, eBay, Craig’s list or Facebook.
Yesterday, I spent money that was meant for my utility bill on groceries and essentials. The utility company said they would work with me. I remain hopeful.
I could mention all the things thst need repairs in this house. I was able to repair the microwave. The oven doesn’t work, but the broiler does, so it needs an igniter and maybe a safety valve since turning on the puts out gas and it isn’t igniting. It is a bomb waiting to detonate. Two of the burners ignite on their own, the others don’t, so perhaps they are electrically dirty. There are plumbing and electrical code violations everywhere. I paid for an inspection, but the guy missed a lot.
This house was an expensive purchase, but I saw potential in this place. I knew it needed some work, but this is more than expected. Someday, about two years from now, I hope to have refinanced at a better rate, my belongs will be here, no more property taxes and two Cost Of Living Allowances (COLA) increases on January 1, 2024 and 2025 will make life enjoyable once again.
I am a firm believer in accepting responsibility for my mistakes. I messed up and I own this burden.
I thank everyone who read this post and if you can help, thanks for that as well.
It wasn’t just one thing that went wrong, There were several things that have gone wrong. I am a survior and I never give, but a strategic retreat is sometimes necessary.
My immediate needs are utility costs and repair costs for my Tahoe’s suspension problem. It also leaks oil which is most likely the rear main seal. Money to move would definitely be a God send. Despite all of this, I am grateful to be a homeowner again and for all the other good in my life. I am especially grateful to my brother and his wife. They have done so much to help me. I am blessed despite myself.
God bless our country and everyone everywhere.