I apologize for the urgent nature of my request, but I’m feeling desperate and in need of assistance. Currently, I owe $25,000 in credit card debt. If I don’t pay my credit card debt by August 2023, the card companies have said that they are taking me to court. About a year ago, I lost my job due to Covid. My employer closed the business. Unfortunately, I now find myself in a situation where I lack the funds to cover my monthly bills. I have been looking for a job and remain hopeful that I will secure employment soon. However, in the meantime, I am kindly seeking a donation of $25,000 to help me resolve this challenging predicament. Your kind generosity would be incredible so I can get rid of the debt. and would be immensely appreciated. Although I’m unsure whom to direct my gratitude towards, please know that I sincerely thank you.
This photo is of me. I’m a 53 year old person in a wheelchair. my paypal account is