Hello to everyone and thank you for your time reading this. I writing to ask for help with some bills that I have fallen behind on. I have a beautiful daughter who is 21 and graduating from College in May of 2023. She is then moving away to Milwaukee Wisconsin for Graduate School for Psychology. She is amazing, smart, kind and so loving. She has worked through College to pay for school, car, food and anything else she has needed. I am a single mom and work as well and I help her when and how I can. When she was 15 they found a small Adenoma in her Pituitary gland. This is not uncommon actually. There approach at that time was to watch it. In January of 2022 she started having sudden severe symptoms. She gained 250lbs in a very short time, got extremely high blood pressure, dizzy spells, extreme fatigue. Her doctors put her on several medications to help with her weight and high blood pressure. Nothing was helping and she was getting worse. In April of 2022 they send her to an Endocrinologist and they proceeded to do some special testing for her Cortisol levels. They tests showed very (dangerously) high Cortisol levels. They did another MRI and this showed growth of the Adenoma. Putting this all together they diagnosed her with a rare disease called Cushings disease. This disease was being caused by her Adenoma in her Pituitary gland. This Adenoma became what they call functioning. Meaning her pituitary gland was no longer functioning and the tumor was pushing high levels of cortisol into her system. The only option we had was surgery to remove this Adenoma from her Pituitary gland. We meet with a team of Neurosurgeons and formulated a plan.
By this time it was August of 2022 and she had come home after finishing her Junior Year of College back in early May of 2022. I had a small one bedroom apartment and I needed her with me so that I could help oversee that she get better. I moved out of my bedroom and gave it to her and I slept on the couch. That was fine by me, she needed to be comfortable! I had to quit my job in late June of 2022 because she was having trouble just showering alone because she would become so winded and exhausted. It was so scary.
When set her surgery for early August of 2022. We spent 3 days in the hospital. They were able to remove the Adenoma by going up through her nose (breaking her septum) and into her pituitary gland. One of the risks were they might knick a part that was near the covering of her spinal fluid and if that happened they would have to graph a piece of her abdomen area and use that to patch up the leaking of the spinal fluid. Unfortunately, this happened.
Even though the surgery was successful and she is healing she is still not fully recovered. Now that the Adenoma is removed her Pituitary gland has not started functioning properly yet. It is not producing any Cortisol at all and so she now has to take daily doses of Cortisol. She went from way too much to none. The Cushings Disease has not fully gone away and it may not ever. Due to the Adenoma being so close to her brain and pituitary gland they could not fully scrape to make sure there were no cells left behind. This means that she needs to watch for any signs that the Adenoma has returned. My beautiful girl has persisted through, went back to school to finish her last year, went back to work part time and is slowly feeling better.
Once she was well enough, I wanted to go back to work but my job needed my position filled and didn’t have a place for me. I unfortunately was not there long enough to be protected by the FMLA.
I have since found another job but I am swimming in debt from getting so far behind during this time. I can’t even help my daughter because I can’t even keep up with the minimum.
So I decided to ask for help. I don’t have family that has extra to help me so I have decided to ask anyone who is able to help. These are a few bills I desperately need.
Car payment I’m behind $634.00 Phone bill I’m behind $234.00 My rent I’m still behind 1 month I have been hammering that but still owe $1000.
I have ALL documentation, Drs notes, bills to show to anyone who would be willing to help. I want to again thank everyone for their time and support!
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