This is something I have never tried before. I have a lot of debt but if I can get any help with one specific card that would be immensely helpful! I have one card that has a balance of $7,700.00 I am a business owner and while my business is growing I am still paying myself a smaller wage either $2,000 a month or less, I have other debt/loans that I am still paying off so I pay myself enough to make those monthly payments which equal out too about $1,800 a month. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated. Please know that I am not just sitting back just asking for handouts I am trying to get more clients, I am in the beauty business and I am trying to expand by getting people to come and rent from my salon. I can’t get a second job because I have two young kids and it would cause immense pressure and problems in my marriage. I cannot ask my husband for help because he already is working extra hours and has picked up a teaching job a few Saturdays as much as he can pick up. I also feel like I cannot come to him with this because he has already helped me so much and quite frankly I don’t think my marriage could take it. I also have signed up to donate for plasma and I am looking to see of I can do some type of online side work that I can fit into my schedule.