Where do I start really? I have come from a long life of alcoholism and drug use. Before I was actually able to walk correctly I was drugged to go to sleep or I was drinking all the left out beer bottles from party the night before my parents had. Now, I know this is probably a common story for most, but it is something that can be hard to get over when us alcoholics and drug addicts cant find the solution. I honestly do not remember much of my childhood except the dreaming of wishing to become a superstar and be able to fly. Now I am no superstar…yet, but I did fly. Flew high on drugs. I was a crack cocaine addict for a few years along with my life long alcoholism that I just would never accept. I did make it to jail plenty of times and was facing some prison before I was blessed to be put into rehab while finding out I was pregnant. I had my child in rehab and completed probation and thought I was finally free but fell victim back into my alcoholism. I have always been drunk mother. I fought with family, moved many times and just felt hopeless. I moved form Utah to Texas thinking it would help, but got back into drugs. I left a man that loved me dearly and was the healthiest one ever for me and my daughter, because I never felt good enough, just to end up back with my mother. Now my mother was a big part of my drinking. I found this out recently when I finally hit my last rock bottom. I finally was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I surrendered. I went to AA and I got a sponsor and I worked the steps. It has been quite a journey. I finally allowed God into my life and was baptized. I am a healthy mother to my daughter and for my nephew which I am helping to take care of for my sister through her divorce. I get to work on the relationship with my mother. What has been my biggest issue is the debt I consumed during my drinking career. How did I manage that? Buying peoples affection, because I couldn’t love myself. I am 60k in debt, that includes school loans, loans, and credit cards. I would file bankruptcy, but I have done that before. I know, it was a sick viscous cycle which I can now break since I am working at staying sober. I would just love to be out of debt sooner. To be able to help my daughter have a better future. To help invest in her a car or be able to help her when she needs it. I barely live pay check to pay check and can’t receive assistance because I make too much to qualify and my loan and credit card payments don’t count. I am just ready to have this new beginning and enjoy life. I take it one day at a time and put trust that God will provide and I pray its through the help from someone like you. I am working at paying off my debt, but it is a slow process, which I am grateful that I am no loner increasing it through drinking. If there is any way that anyone one could help or would be willing, or even just pray for my and my financial abundance to increase, I’d be forever grateful. God bless everyone who has taken the time to read this and send me prayers. Thank you for your time and all that you do to help people, I know as long as I keep believing and take it one day at a time, all things are possible. God Bless, Cocoa Marquez paypal.me/dalishus