Hi! My name is Regan Reese. I am 19 years old, and plan to attend college this Fall as a second semester freshman. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this message. I would like to request donations to help me pay for my college tuition. I have applied for many scholarships, grants, etc., but have been unable to acquire enough money to pay my college fees. I will continue to apply for as much financial aid as possible, before deadlines. I am a good student, with a 3.7 GPA, majoring in Physics, and in Honors College. My dream, is to work for NASA. I have managed to acquire a grant in the amount of $3,746, and a work study program for 4,000, for one year. A total of $7,746 for one year. This is all the assistance, I am currently receiving. According to the university, it will cost me $28,336.00 for one year. I am not sure, why, I haven’t been able to acquire more money. My family, is what I consider, lower middle class. My mom works, but my dad lost his job during the Covid pandemic. My family has experienced financial hardship since the pandemic, and continue to experience hardship. This hardship has included, all savings being exhausted. Including savings that my brother and I had. This was extremely painful, both financially and emotionally. In looking at financial assistance, colleges look at your parents’ yearly income, but they don’t look at what your family is paying out (bills, mortgage, debt, etc.). I want to be totally transparent, so I am attaching two images of my financial statement from my university. I am afraid, if I don’t get assistance, I will not be able to go to college. I attended one semester this past school year, and did not return the 2nd semester, due to finances. I desperately, want to return to college. I have a thirst for knowledge, and am very passionate about the “world of space and physics”. I have so many hopes and dreams, that depend on me obtaining my college degree. I want to make a difference in the world. I will be forever grateful, if someone would find it in their heart to show me some grace, by helping me with my college finances. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and consideration.
Regan Reese
My paypal is @ReganReese944