Hi! My name is Casey I just turned 17 on April 8th and I am in very tight and scary situation. I have a family of 8 that I was adopted at 10 days old and brought up by 2 mothers which adopted me when they were 40 and 53. One of my moms has been working a job as a care taker which entails housing and caring for mentally challenged and disabled persons. We have 2 clients at this time that my mom had taken in for extra money, as a kid I have always only lived with 1 and we were financially comfortable. For some quick context to this situation I was adopted in a different state, Me and my sister have both struggled extremely with mental health through out our lives, my sister now 22 still at home and struggling. I have had a very bad 2023 mental health wise and my mother has I would say almost changed in that time. We have had 2 other people move in with us since my mom had bring in another client, one of them my mom does not get rent money from as well as helping them with many many issues they have with an old car needing constant repairs because the one who owns the car, their job is very inconsistent giving maybe 10 hours a week but the person has a lot of mental health struggles and scary physical ones that have been coming about recently having 3 emergency hospital trips in the last 4 months. There is then my mothers own car which she is still paying for her repairs from an accident she had recently as well and she has been behind on bills, as wells as trying to keep this house of 8 people fed and satisfied with our subscriptions and all miscellaneous things. I have never seen her so stressed before and she has become s very anxious almost deporessed person in the last few years and it’s extremely hard to watch. She is becoming almost elderly now which is preventing her from getting a different or another job and the one she has now is barley providing enough money.
Recently I have come out of a deep depression in and out of institutions in 2023 and I’ve been putting in work to heal and find my reasons, recently I have noticibly improved and my mother has started to come to me for an outlet. She only has a therapist and her best friend who is in Florida she can talk to about things and I have given my ear to her for her issues. But these problems are far worse and are a big reality check for me and have made me realize the kind of situation we are really in. My mother is also paying for my grandparents mortgage on their house but they are very old now and that is affecting her greatly. I’m extremely scared for our house holds pillar, my mother, that she will crumble and everything come down with it. I’ve recently put my head down and started to focus on my goals and on helping out. I’ve created many opportunities in the past 3 months for myself but their are complications within them as well. I have joined a modeling school which I was able to earn a scholarship for that will carry on the next 6 months. It was 1500 and it is also in Boston, which is 1 1/2 hours away from our house. I am currently in drivers ed not able to drive yet and Inbetween jobs not able to help with gas money for these trips. I will be able to graduate from this and start earning money from modeling/acting jobs after these 6 months though, I am keeping myself in shape and learning, practicing as much as I can. I am heading into dual enrollment next through my high school for my senior year to get at least 6 college credits for free before I have to pay a tuition or any expenses, I will be majoring in psychology and social work to be a 1-1 therapist one day so I can be the help, the shoulder to lean on that I did not have for a while for kids like me. I am also in boxing and putting my all into that hopefully to grow as a boxer and see what lies in this sport for even if it is just as an outlet I have fallen in love with the art. I am learning music theory and self teaching, guitar and I have 32 key, keyboard I am learning how to play because I enjoy it and I may also be able to make music one day or apply to a music school. I am also taking a music theory class next year for college. I have always loved basketball and I have recently started putting my all Into improving in that sport as well and I’m planning to tryout next year for the team in hopes to thrive and shine and have even if it’s slight a chance at a scholarship. Same thing for football too!! I am also seeing what oppurtunites lie in poetry with me I’ve entered comps and been trying to get my work and name out there with writing. This is all in hopes and in effort to help my mother as well as pay for my college. My mothers money from her work is not taxed and I do not have tax forms for the FASFA. So financial aid is not an option for me. I have already started applying to scholarships and looking into all I possibly can. African American programs, programs for Hispanics, programs for native Americans, anything at all and I have found one program I’m able to do if I follow the right path. My mother has up right told me “I can not pay for your college and I’m sorry, but that is something I will need a lot of help on if I can even contribute.” I’m nervous and afraid to be transparent, of my future with college and the households future in a totality. I come on here asking for anything at all, I am not Happy I have had to resort to this at all but I am feeling a sense of desperation at this point. My gratitude is eternal for anyone who takes their time to even read this🙏. Here is my cash app $Casey40807 the link is not working, PayPal link is not working either but here it is @CaseyPhillips200