Up until recently I managed a consignment store. It was probably my favorite job I’ve ever had. It belonged to my friend. And it was a struggling business with lots of financial problems. But with lots of prayer and hard work, I was able to take that struggling business and turn it, over the course of three years, into a thriving business. Even the financial deficit in the business account was almost gone. And right when everything was just about perfect with the business and it was about to really start making a lot of money for my business partner, she up and gave the business away to one of our consignors. Since I had been running the whole show, the new owners fired me and kicked me out as a consignor. They didn’t even have the decency to offer me severance pay.
Whatever the case, I truly believe that happiness is a choice. So, rather than sit and cry about what had happened, within a couple weeks I had a new job working for a caregiving company in which I take care of elderly ones in their own homes. It’s really quite lovely, but I only have 12 hours of work each week and that’s not enough.
So, in addition to the caregiving job, I rented a space at another consignment mall. I had to buy all new shelving for my spot, which, obviously, had to go on credit because I’m barely working right now. (I hope the company I work for gives me more clients, but we’ll see.) A friend spotted me the money for the rental of my space, and I’m just starting to sell stuff there. Hopefully it goes well. It’s a brand new business, so they don’t have the customer stream that the previous consignment store had, but I am hopeful.
In the meantime, as a highly creative person, selling books on Amazon is very appealing to me. I have three books I am working on writing, all in various stages of development. But it takes a little time to do good writing (and not just throw something together and hope it sells).
I would very, very much like to join the AI Publishing Academy. It’s a website in which they not only teach you how to get your books published on Amazon and other similar websites, but as a group, everyone who is a member of that website helps each other (so I’d have a nice support group), and they also have a ton of behind-the-scenes classes on publishing, financial help, taxes, etc. – all things that I very much need right now.
That academy costs right about $1000, and I don’t have ithe money for obvious reasons. I could use credit, but I’m trying to avoid running up my credit while I straighten out my work/financial situation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And thank you so much. ♥