Thank you, if you are reading this, for even navigating to this site.
When applying for pre-appproval on a mortgage today, more student debt was uncovered now being serviced by a provider I had never heard of. In 2017/18, I paid off my federal loans and nothing has shown on my credit report for years. In fact, my report from 2018 shows what appears to be these loans to have a balance of zero.
Now, the previous servicer, FedLoan, is defunct and my payment history with them does not show on the new servicer’s portal. I never received confirmation of paying the loans off, at least that I can find. If anyone can even offer guidance on this issue, I would appreciate it as my worst fear is having to pay another $20K on loans I thought were done.
My husband and I are trying to start a family, he is going into grad school, and we need to move out of the apartment we are in because neighborhood safety has gone way downhill since COVID. Anything that can be offered, a donation or advice, would be helpful.
paypal me @jennifermgerken