My name is Hannah and I have been working towards paying off my student loans for 5 years so far. I have one degree in Missions, Spanish, and Mass Communications and another in Theology. I am an ordained minister and I have big dreams to serve in cross cultural ministry! I am passionate about pouring into the lives of others where I have the means to do so. My big dreams include doing documentary work to capture what God is doing in the Church in Central and South America. However, to do that wisely, I need to finish paying off my loans. I currently have $40,000 left to pay and I would love graciously accept any generosity someone may be looking to share.
To share a little more if you’re interested, I come from a mid-size city in the south and a split home. My dad owned a fast-food restaurant and my mom was a bartender until she was left disabled due to a wreck when I was young. My parents (mom, dad, and step mom), raised all of us to have a strong work ethic and also to enjoy the little things. I currently work a full time job and volunteer in ministry on the side (I was a full time youth pastor for 5 years until moving to be closer to home for a season), and I am enjoying this season near home! I’m excited about what the future holds and I’d be delighted if you wanted to help me reach my dreams a little sooner than what I can do on my own.