Hello, my name is Mark. I’ll be 30 years old next month. I work 12 hour shifts in a factory. I have had this job almost 5 years now. No matter how many hours I work over my bank account never seems to accumulate. I am married with 3 step children who are all in school. My student loans which are 100% my own decision to have are drowning me at this point. All 4 combined end up being $600+ a month. I have tried to refinance them but my credit isn’t the best and since I didn’t graduate they won’t allow me to do so. My two biggest loans still have a balance of 30k+ and 16k+. I have been paying them every month for the last 7 years now it’s all caught up with me to where any money I had in my savings has finally dried up. I’ve already sold my truck and bought a 20 year old vehicle just so I don’t have a vehicle payment every month. My wife and I haven’t had a bedroom in 4 years so the kids could have their own. I have tried my very best to cut bills down as much as I possibly can and life just hasn’t been going my way lately. I am clearly not looking for a giant miracle for someone to pay off all my debt and I would never ask that. I’m just looking for a little bit of help to let me get through things for a while and have a chance of saving up money to throw back into these loans before I start falling behind for good. I’m writing this at 10:30 at night because for months now I have been trying everything I can possibly do to make my situation better and sadly it has come down to begging for a helping hand. I have already sold off anything valuable that I own to go towards all of my bills. I don’t live out of my means. I go to work come home and go to sleep just to wake up and do the same thing all over again the next day. There are no addictions in my life that are taking money away from paying bills. I have tried to be as genuine As I possibly can be everyday of my life. Im just trying to do my best to support my wife and children and sadly I have been failing to do so lately. Like I have mentioned any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this. https://paypal.me/minky93?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US