Hello to all who are willing to read this [thank you in advance.
My name is Lauren Hatfield born and raised in good old New Egland (Boston)
I’m now 53 and things took a big change some years back and I’m no longer able to work, something I did my whole life starting at 15. Like can many kids I lost my mom at 6 to a heart attack and dad well not really a dad at least to me. I now am very sick with (CHF) Congestive heart failure/Cardiomyopathy. When I was working and paying bills with the help of already sick husband it was okay but when I was not able to work no more, I got desperate like many have Robben Peter to pay Paul. with the credit cards it got out of control real fast and as of a year ago filed chapter13. (SMH) I’m scared my daughter/ now son Nick will be graduating 2024 and wants to be an Electrician. with chapter 13I no loan with all the basic bills I loss about $700.00 next year when he turns 18. water bill light bill ins so on and so on. I don’t have but one friend who lives in California with her own family. where I have to no one I don’t do Facebook Reddit NO social medical don’t have a need tried go fund me couldn’t get 0.25 to save my life. So, what do I need any and all with Mortgage House bills soon to be collage bound student loans. At this point if I where to pass away my family has no money to bury me.