Dear beautiful soul,
I hope you doing well I have a lot of problems with paying my debts of school and subscriptions and collection agency that keeps sending me letters I was motivated to do a drop shipping store I build my website it don’t look very professional but at least I tried I don’t have clients and that’s because I don’t advertise I need to pay for adds but I can’t afford it i am stressing so much about how I can grow my business my debts are 6000$ and if its possible to help me to build my business I would appreciate so much you can send me whatever you want its helps a lot I hope you can help me I believe in good people who do good gets the best if I was rich I would help a lot of people that comes from your heart and why not if I had the money a lot of rich people don’t help others I think its egoistical because at the end of the day money is not everything but what your heart can do to other people if body’s didn’t exist and only hearts left what is your inner worth?
i appreciate you!
One day I will also donate to people that need help!