Hello there, I’m a 31 year old single mother who have been on Hemodialysis for quite some time now. I have received another 3 day notice. I was just finally able to pay my July rent and now it’s August and another month have been added. This is my first time ever asking for assistance from anyone but it’s been very difficult for me. At times I only have enough food for my son to eat. If anyone can help me in my time of need so I can be able to get out of this dark place. My bear was so broken when my son walked in on and saw me crying and I let him know right now I’m in a rough patch and that he won’t be able to celebrate his birthday as well because mommy have to get the money up to pay the bills and get his ready for school as well and then his birthday. This month is going to be a tough one and I have to walk or catch the bus because I don’t have to transportation as well. Still in disbelief that I lasted this long since this been an ongoing 2016 and then I received a kidney and then it fail again so now I don’t have no kidneys that are working. My life has been up and down lately. Please continue to keep me in your prayers that I continue to be here for my son.
Thanks again in advance.
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