I am a single mom who is doing PhD studies and taking care of 2 children all by myself. My kid’s dad abandoned us and stopped supporting me and the children financially when I filed for a divorce. It has been a terrible marriage where I was suicidal because of the abuse, so I decided to leave.
To further my education and make my and my kid’s futures better, I started a PhD programme because I would love to have a career in academia. I completed my Masters’s programme in Sweden and had to move to Norway for my PhD.
To do that, I had to take three small loans, all amounting to 85,000 Swedish krona (about 8, 500 USD). This was to help me move with the kids, travel, get an apartment, food, and clothing and pay other smaller outstanding bills and debt.
In my PhD, I am being paid a monthly salary. I have a take-home of about 30,000 krona (3,000 USD). But my rent takes half, and by the time I am done servicing my outstanding debt, buying monthly train tickets to go to campus, and paying for the children’s schools, groceries and other bills, we end up in zero or even minus. Most times I struggle to get groceries and I still have to borrow some things. My kids do not have most things like toys and books. We have just one couch in our living room and I am really struggling.
This is affecting my studies because I always think of how bad my financial situation is. I was not even able to pay for a conference where I was supposed to present my paper. I need help with clearing my outstanding debt of about 8,000 USD (80,000 krona). If only I can get this cleared, I will be able to better manage my monthly salary and be able to comfortably take care of myself and my children, and do better in my PhD program.
This would be the best thing anyone could ever do for me and I will never forget. Please help with clearing my debt, so I can have enough to take care of my children and face my education and career. We are literally alone in this new country and don’t have any friends or family. But, I am working really hard to make sure I become fully self-sufficient and that my kids will be comfortable, and I promise you I will get there one day. But for now, I need this help from you. Thank you so much!
P.S.: I wanted to include all three copies of my debt which total 85000 krona ($8,500), but I could upload only 1 file so I uploaded the one with the highest debt amount. The other two that I could not upload are 30,000 krona and 20, 000 kronas respectively (about 5,000 USD). So everything I need to clear my debt is around 8,500 USD.
This is my PayPal.me link:
A zillion thanks and blessings to you!