Single mother barely can keep a job due to my kids medical condition. Everytime I get a job I have to quit or get fired.My youngest 3yr old son has alot of health issues that the doctors and I have been trying to figure out since birth. He’s has autoimmune disorder, autoinflammatory syndrome, periodic fevers, tachycardia,asthma,allergic to 36 different types of environmental things like ,grass,pine,hickory pecan,dust,mite,etc…..he gets sick and runs fevers like 7days in a row bout only around 5pm-9am ,the fevers starts back same time each day. He keeps a runny nose and Diarrhea which he’s in daycare and they can’t attend school if having any of those symptoms. Which cause me having to miss work because I don’t have any support.My 15year old son has social anxiety and just recently found out he has scolosis.Im asking for financial help because I can’t keep a job because most jobs don’t care about you outside of your work life.