Hi, my name is Dana. I’m a 28 year old single mother of two beautiful girls. I came across this site and figured I’d give it a shot and see how it goes. Ya never know if you don’t try! To be completely honest with you, I’m in the weirdest phase in my life right now. Between trying to land a decent job, go back to school, start a business, on top of trying to provide stability and security for myself and my children. It’s been tough. I had my youngest 6 months ago, and I’ve been so stressed with just trying to get my life together, sometimes I feel as if I can’t catch a break. As of right now, I am a current caregiver. Working full time. Saving as much as I can. My main issue as of now, is trying to find a decent place for myself and my kids to live, along with wanting to pay off my car so that I don’t have to keep worrying about making payments. That alone has been one of my biggest financial downfalls. I just got out of a domestic relationship, so I’ve been staying with family and trying to keep myself as busy with work as possible so that we don’t have to go back. Staying with family has been pretty uncomfortable. I just want to go back to enjoying my time with my children. A safe space and a peace of mind is really what’s needed. Whatever helps, and I am greatly appreciative. Whoever comes across this, thank you so much for taking the time to read my message. God bless! My PayPal @ is @Dlschea