I’m coming to you as humble as I know. I ran into a situation and I need some help with it. My daughter is 14 yrs old and at 9 yrs old she was diagnose with hidradenistis suppurative abbreviation is HS. Terrible medical condition of the skin. Her under arms became worse and her groin area and I was told she has have surgery. I’m a single mom and my daughter’s father was killed when she was 2. So I handle everything by myself. The surgery meant that I would be out to take care of my baby on fmla but it would be unpaid. I work for this big company who doesn’t even pay you to be out with your child when things like this happens. Yes I was shocked. I have my daughter on my insurance why can’t I get paid? It’s crazy. So the surgery had to be done in Chapel Hill children’s hospital. We stayed 2 days. I’m thinking I’m able to return to work in two weeks. We went back for her follow up appointment which was a week later and she said it’s still draining that she would need to be out longer and they gave me another appointment date. That date I go back another week later and it’s not healing right pus is coming from it so had to schedule another surgery to reopen and clean it out. Did the surgery and bills are piling up on me plus me driving back and forth to Chapel Hill which is a 2 hour drive each way was hurting my pockets bad. I had to purchase bandages and the hospital did give me some but they ran out. So I was purchasing bandages and using my credit card for gas and food. Paying the bills with the lil money I had. I signed up for unemployment even sent in documents showing them that I was on unpaid leave from my job. They told me that they were backed up and couldn’t give me a time frame when it would be approve due to the high volume of filing in the state. Almost two months I’ve been out of work taking care of my baby. I have a home I just got my car September of last year so it’s crazy. I’m just trying to stay afloat and not stress so much while I take care of her. I just need help with my bills until I can get back on my feet. I’m 42 yrs old I always work not lazy just this terrible medical condition happened to my baby. If you can help I’ll gladly appreciate anything. My paypal is twylabandy@gmail.com. Thank you