I’m Natalee, a single mother of two soon-to-be three. I feel it a strange thing to ask for help with things I should be taking care of, but I am hoping someone here will be able to help me get back on my feet.
The past three months have been especially difficult, I changed jobs and had a great working experience but due to HR payment policies I had to leave. I am currently in between jobs. I’m working on fixing my income situation whether getting another job within the hospitality industry here in Jamaica or launching my own business which is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time, but my responsibilities and income haven’t allowed me to do so.
I am asking for assistance with clearing some backed-up rent and bills which includes some credit card debt amounting to a total of approx $177,000 JMD which is equivalent to approx $1,150 USD. I am thankful for any amount that allows me to chip away at the outstanding amount, so I can eventually come out of the current deficit that I am in and start to build something substantial. I really appreciate the assistance offered, I see it truly as a blessing for my family allowing me to get things in order for my boys and the new addition to our family. It’s really daunting thinking I have to do this all on my own and so I am praying that someone will be able to assist me on this.
Yours truly,