Putting this out there is extremely difficult. I am the person people can rely on. I give and give to my Detriment. Despite the fact that I’m posting here to ask for help I’m not usually the person who ask anyone for help, I just figure it out someway somehow I figure it out. Well here I am. A few weeks ago my child’s father took my bank card and drained my bank account. Unbeknowns to me he has a gambling addiction. For obvious reasons we’re no longer together. After that kind of betrayal, There is no repair. I will not deal with an addict. And that is definitely an addiction. Thankfully I had enough money to pay the rent because of how my paydays fell. Unfortunately I can no longer pay for daycare and I am living paycheck to paycheck. I juggle and borrow when I can, However in reality this situation has made me see that though I can be counted on for everyone else around me, I have no one to really call when I’m in need. I feel like a burden, I’m now a single mom of an 18 month old child and I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do to get by. I’m searching for alternate ways to create an income however I’m already struggling because I can’t afford daycare to work the job I already have at this point. Thankfully I work from home and I’m pulling it off most days. But it’s been an extremely stressful few weeks and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to do it. My boss’ are definitely taking note. He took just about $5000 for me. Had it not been for the fact that he did this before I got paid I am not sure if I would have been able to avoid eviction. I’ve done everything I can to cut down any unnecessary expenses and juggled or put off things that don’t need to be paid immediately. He took money that should have been allocated towards monthly and daily living expenses and whatever little cushion that I had in case of a rainy day. And frankly it feels like it’s pouring and I am drowning. So please if you have the means, I would appreciate anything you can afford to give. Thank you in advance I promise to pay it forward when I get my feet back underneath me. Thanks for taking the time to read.