Hello, I’m a single mother of three. After being married for several years I went through a nasty divorce from their Father who really doesn’t help out. However I can’t focus on that at that moment.
I honestly enjoy being a Mom my kids give me so much strength, However raising three wonderful children on my own has it’s challenges at times, But I do my best to faced them head-on with faith and determination.
I lost my job, the very lifeline that helped me provide for my children. I’m worried, and at times I find myself down in spirit. How will manage to pay the bills and put food on the table?
Determined to provide for my children, I’m swallowing my pride and reached out to family, and friends and now on this platform. By posting on this website I’m hopeful that some kind hearted people will be able to assist with financial support and/or resources that will enhance our lives during our current hardship.
My days have become a whirlwind of job applications, interviews, and networking. I refused to let despair or depression consume me, knowing that my children are watching me. With each rejection from assistance program and job application for new employment I do my best to remain strong, fueled by the love from my kids,family and friends.
Meanwhile, I’m grateful that few of my family members and friends have done what they can with providing rides to and from some appointments.
But as the months begin to pass; while looking for a new job the bills are still coming in for the next month. I received a notice to my rent within the next 3 weeks and my car was repossessed last week. I’m determined to hang in there and stand through it all. However I made a promise to never be homeless again. But I have received a call from a local company who has received my resume and will keep me in mind for a job that matched my skills but I need to provided stability for my family.
One thing that this journey of life has taught me is that everyone faces adversity at some point. However with faith, determination, and the right support of a caring community anyone can overcome any obstacle and create a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones.
My PayPal link has been added below https://paypal.me/CrissyHenderson?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
Thank you in advance for assistance during this process. I’m grateful for your kindness which also gives me strength. Blessings and favor to you.