I’m a single mom, i have a 11 year old son who is amazing. I came to america 3 years ago legaly, and once i got my working permit i got myself to study LNA and just start my LNA job 2 months ago. But as a new LNA i dont make enough money. I even take more time to work, and been working 7 days and still im short to pay my bills, since i have debts to settle while waiting for my paper for work. And now i really feel that im facing a dead end. I can’t affort to pay my debts from loans i previous got. I also have to pay credit card bills, grocery and I’m worry that i can’t afford to pay my rent on 1st may. I am honestly tired from working everyday and still not meets ends, and cant give half of the things my son need. I just need help to settle my previous loans and my credit card bills to get back to my feet. I’m not a lazy person, God knows i work hard, i just need to clear my loans so i can start fresh and re arrange my finance again. So, please, your help will meant the world for me and my son. If you can help, please donate to my link: