Hello, I am a nice, pretty, divorced mom. I have great kids and desire to raise my family in a happy, healthy, secure home.
I am employed full time at a career that I enjoy, thankfully.
My father offered to let me buy his house, as he is newly married and moved in with his wife. I am so excited about buying a permanent home for us, but need help paying for all that it entails.
Also my car is old and in need of a lot of repair. So I need a new reliable vehicle as well.
I rarely receive child suport from my ex-husband, but do allow the kids to see and talk to him when ever he is able.
I’ve been trying to take care of my faimly by my self, and not really on anyone else. However it is very challenging and stressful.
As you see, I need your help to do this to ensure that I can pay for our home and have reliable transportation for us.
If you would help me I’d be so happy. It would take some of the burden off of me.
thank you in advance.