Good afternoon, my name is Kesha, a 30 years old mother of three handsome boys. Their ages are 7, 2 and and 6 months old. I was living with their dad, but last year he just left us. I thought we were in a good place, but I was wrong about that. He just got up one day and told me he was leaving us, he found another woman. at the time I was about 35 weeks pregnant with my now, 6 months old. I was devastated. I had to be doing everything by myself along with the depression I was plunged in. I ended giving birth 3 weeks early due to high blood pressure after which I was placed on Magnesium for 48 hours until it went down. I came home to my other two children, who at the time were 6 years old and 1 year old at the time. I was struggling all by myself because my support system just walked out on us. I ended up having to be on blood pressure medication since. Honestly, I could not see myself 6 weeks down the road, but by grace and sheer determination, I am here 6 months later, even after returning to the hospital 1 month after giving birth to remove Products of Conception that were left behind. I had to press on for my children. As I sit here typing, just the recollection of those events brings tears to my eyes. Recently I have been the victim of domestic violence. He doesn’t live with us or pay the bills but he thought that i was being out of line. I gave just a mere tip of the iceberg to not go into too much personal details; but all of this have left me 4 months behind on rent ($2,000 per month) and I’m heading into the 5th. I am also behind on my Conedison bill; which I try to pay to keep the lights on. I have applied for assistance but have not received anything as yet, I am still patiently waiting. I do work but it’s part-time from home and it barely covers the necessities. I coupon to stretch my dollar and also collect food from local food pantries. With winter approaching and the new school term beginning, I am begging and appealing to you for some much needed assistance in whichever way is possible. Anything that is given will be greatly appreciated. With that said; this is my paypal link : .
With great thanks, Kesha.