Hello. My name is Nekka Scott. I am a single mother of 8 children in which 4 are disabled. I am also disabled and am unable to work. Was diagnosed with cancer in Oct. of 2022. The last time I was able to work was in 2011. I am married, but my husband and I are going through a separation. Currently I am trying my best to secure a home for myself and my children. It’s 9 of us in all, so we are in desperate need of a 6+ bdrm house that we can own. I have looking for homes for us online and the majority are going for $300,000 or better. I’m on a fixed income so any help with donations will greatly assist me and my family. My family would greatly benefit from a donation or gift of $250,000-$300,000. This money will help me with a strong down payment on a home and make my mortgage payments more affordable and where I would have extra money for potential repairs. This money will also help me to pay for my vehicle in which is my main and only form of transportation. I thank you so much for considering my family for this help. It will greatly be appreciated and help me to get my family what we need with this gift. Again I can’t work to get to a better position in life, so you all’s consideration will help us deerl. I’m looking to get rich. We just need help to get us started. I have a lot of people depending on me and I’m reaching out for help. Thank you so much. God bless you. Paypal.me/GodisLove737.