Hi, my names J and I’m trying to help my mum out in these trying times. First a bit about my mum and my two younger brothers that live with her in a tiny 2-bedroom home with a “friend” that appeared to be their saving grace but has turned out to be a giant nightmare. My mum is an older lady that has raised 8 kids on her own as a single mother and even opened her home to many kids that needed a roof over their heads and a warm meal in their tummy. She is a warm, compassionate and caring person and she helps everyone she can with anything they may need no matter how it affects her. Shes trying to raise and care for my two special needs brothers as best she can. Shes only on a disability pension while trying to survive in today’s cost of living crisis. My two younger brothers are diagnosed with Global Developmental Delays and are on the Autism spectrum. Back in June my mum and brothers were evicted from their home of 7 years when the owner decided to tear down the house but turned around and sold it and after months of searching for a rental the only option they had was living on the streets until hopefully something popped up. Along came my brother’s best friend with a great idea on how they can buy a house together and he will put the house in his name, him and my brother were excited by the idea of living with their best friend. They came to an agreement on buying a small cheap home that would need some good old TLC. The friend put up the deposit and my mum agreed to paying 2/3rds of the mortgage as well as all house repairs and renovations needed along the way. A few weeks after they all moved in the friends underaged girlfriend moved in and started making changes and complaining. Recently the Friend and his girlfriend said they were getting a cat. My mum reminded them of how she has a fear of cats. My mother is petrified of cats and makes this known to every single person that enters her home. She begged them to consider another pet. She has offered that they could get a dog, snake, mouse, guinea pigs literally any other animal besides a cat. She even said if they 100% had to have a cat she would help build an outdoor cat enclosure for them. My mum has now been served a notice to leave a week after they had this disagreement later and there is nothing around locally in rentals that my mum can afford. My mother is a super proud woman and that’s why I’m here typing out our story because my mother deserves to finally stop having to worry about whether or not she will have a roof over her head for the next month. I’m desperate to try and help her and I currently don’t have a job so I can’t offer any kind of financial aid unfortunately. we are only asking for help to either pay him back his deposit on the house or to maybe buy my mum a home that suits hers and my brother’s disability needs. Please help them out, please.
Our small goal is 15k and the dream would be 280k. Every little bit helps a ton!!