Hello, I am a 51 year old female who is/have been a single mother of 5 for over 19 years. I have 3 boys and 2 girls. I have sacrificed so much to raise my children over the years, mind you they are all well mannered young men and women now contributing to society in a positive way. My oldest son is married with a daughter, he works for Hazmat company. My oldest daughter is a registered nurse (no kids yet), my middle son is a retired Vet who’s also married with 2 sons, my youngest son finished real estate school las year and my baby girl will be finishing veterinary school in another year. I went through raising them with hardly asking for help from anyone, because how heavy my pride was then made it really hard for me to be that vulnerable and ask for help. But one day my mom told me I have to put my pride aside and ask sometimes, because it may be a blessing for someone else to actually help me. When I went through my divorce from their father, because of infidelity, verbal and physical abuse. I left with only my children and a few clothes nothing else. He made it clear we were not a priority to him at all. We moved in with my sister, all 6 of us. I had to build from nothing, and I am happy to say that God sustained me through all the very, very hard times I had to endure. I had a lot of mental breakdowns, from the stress of trying to provide for my 5 kids and past PTSD from childhood and young adult trauma I faced in my life, which led me to see a therapist and psychologist, whom I still see today. We were homeless at one point, we lived in unfit living conditions at one point, but I my goal then was to keep us together no matter what. My only dream is to be debt free and to own my own home, I have been living a basic life, I have ruined my credit in order for me and my children to eat, be clothed and just survive over the years. I have always rented, I want to own something now. I sometimes feel like a failure because I am 51 and still rent, have bad credit and no savings. And to top that off my mother had a stroke, I stopped working to move her in with us to tak4e care of her, after she passed away I dealt with a lot of mental and emotional situations. It seemed like the year she passed and the next few years after was hell on earth. During those years is when we were homeless, and struggling like crazy. I found out later I would have to stop working again, and I am on disability receiving only $938 dollars a month and $76 dollars in food stamps, which both amounts makes it impossible to live. I have currently enrolled myself back into school for medical billing and coding to try to jump back into the work field with some type of new skills. I am asking for a little help to fund me through school and to keep my bills current until I can finish school and land career job, that will help me make my dream of home ownership a reality. Everyone says how strong and proud they are of me raising my children alone and how respectful they are to everyone, but no one sees the real me crying late at nights, not being able to sleep because of stress, worrying about my kids safety all the time, praying for them, this world and then myself. I have been strong only because I had to be, as bad as I wanted to give up so many times over the years, I couldn’t because of my kids. The story of my life is so much longer and complexed it could be a book or a lifetime movie, but I won’t bore you with too many more details as I know we all have been through things in life, so I know that doesn’t make me special. I’m not asking to be rich, just a little help during these trying times to take the stress off of me worrying about my bills and food so I can stay focused on completing school. I know no one is obligated to fund my life, I understand that, but I am asking if you find it in your heart that you are led to help me I will be eternally grateful for anything, in any amount. Thanks to all who just read a little of my story, whether you can give or not. I’m not giving up, I have made it this far and will continue to try to reach my goals no matter how late in the game I am. God bless us all! #Romans8:28
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